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NII-CU Multispectral Aerial Person Detection Dataset

The National Institute of Informatics - Chiba University (NII-CU) Multispectral Aerial Person Detection Dataset consists of 5,880 pairs of aligned RGB+FIR (Far infrared) images captured from a drone flying at heights between 20 and 50 meters, with the cameras pointed at 45 degrees down. We applied lens distortion correction and a homography warping to align the thermal images with the RGB images. We then labeled the people visible on the images with rectangular bounding boxes. The footage shows a baseball field and surroundings in Chiba, Japan, recorded in January 2020.


Comparison to other multispectral datasets

  Training   Testing   Properties            
  # persons # images # persons # images # total frames drone perspective RGB: 400 - 800 nm NIR: 0.8 - 3 μm MIR: 3 - 6 μm FIR: 6 - 15 μm publication
KAIST Hwang et al. (2015) 41.5 k 50.2 k 44.7 k 45.1 k 95.3 k       `15
TODAI Takumi et al. (2017) - 1.6 k - 1.4 k 7.5 k   `17
NII-CU 16.7 k 5.0 k 2.0 k 0.9 k 5.9 k     `22


If you find this dataset useful, please cite the following paper:

Speth, S., Gonçalves, A., Rigault, B., Suzuki, S., Bouazizi, M., Matsuo, Y. & Prendinger, H. (2022) Deep Learning with RGB and Thermal Images onboard a Drone for Monitoring Operations. Journal of Field Robotics, 1- 29.


RGB sample with labels as blue rectangles Thermal sample with labels as green rectangles, white is hot RGB and thermal images overlapped


Labeled image dataset (images+labels): (9.1 GB)

Raw video files (unlabeled): (15.2 GB)

Folder structure

Two variations of the data are provided. The rgb-t folder has the thermal images uncropped and with black margins to match the aspect ratio of the RGB images. The 4-channel folder has a subset of the data, containing only the better-aligned images (type=0), with motion-blur-affected images removed (bad=0), and images were cropped to keep only the intersection of both images (i.e. no black margins on thermal images).

Dataset archive

Video archive

Label format

Labels are provided in tab-delimited CSV format, with one file per image pair, and one label per line, in the following format

x1	y1	x2	y2	type	occluded	bad


4.27	111.52	145.07	371.38	2	1	0
136.53	367.65	435.2	841.48	2	0	0
Field Description
x1 left of box in pixels, referring to RGB image space
y1 top of box in pixels, referring to RGB image space
x2 right of box in pixels, referring to RGB image space
y2 bottom of box in pixels, referring to RGB image space
type 0 = person visible on both RGB and thermal; 1 = visible only on Thermal; 2 = visible only on RGB
occluded 0 = completely visible; 1 = partially occluded
bad 0 = good; 1 = bad, e.g. blurry and smeared due to motion blur


The authors are Simon Speth, Artur Gonçalves, Bastien Rigault, Helmut Prendinger, and Satoshi Suzuki.

The creation of this dataset was supported by Prendinger Lab at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, and Chiba University, Japan. We are also grateful for the financial support from Matsuo Lab at the University of Tokyo.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

If you are interested in commercial usage you can contact us for further options.

Contact: helmut at nii dot ac dot jp